Tuesday, April 10, 2018


The news is starting to spread, and as much as I love getting calls, texts, and emails from friends far and near, it will probably be easier to just put the story out there, so here goes.  It is true: I'm in the process of transitioning out of my role at The Belfry.  These words are hard to say - they were hard when I said them to my Board in November, hard when I said them to the student and LEVN communities in January, and hard seeing them in print in the soon-to-be-mailed Footnote (our newsletter) and in the diocesan newsletter.  In other words, I've been sitting with this reality for a long time now, and yet it still seems very strange and not quite real.  I just surpassed the ten year mark at the end of March - a decade of ministry at the Belfry has gone by, and it feels like it's been the blink of an eye and forever simultaneously. 

My commitment to the Belfry and my love of this work has not changed.  But circumstances in the rest of my life have.  Last fall, my husband received an investment to start a new company: https://enhance.co/.  This is extremely exciting, but also needs a huge amount of additional time and attention from him.  The biggest change is that he is no longer working from home, but rather has set up a headquarters with employees and an office, etc. here in Sacramento.  That has been a major shift in the rhythm of our family's life.

Also this year, my oldest son started middle school.  It has been a difficult transition and difficult year.  We have had to seek out additional resources for him which has entailed driving all over town multiple days each week for these services.  As these happen in the evenings, and I work evenings, and Chris is working into the evenings, something had to change.  We prayerfully discerned that our child needs more of our time than our work schedules were allowing, and so as Chris is launching this new company, I'm going to take on this larger role.

This is not what I thought I would be doing, or the trajectory I had planned for my career.  But we only get one shot at this parenting gig, and it is clear that we are at a critical juncture, and so as deeply as I love and feel called to my work, I believe I now need to focus more exclusively on my family.

I hope God is not done with me, and that after this season of life has passed, that there will be opportunities for me to step back into ministry.  So to answer the question many are now asking me: what am I transitioning to?  Being a full time parent.  As my sweet Zach asked when we told the kids of this change, "But mommy, what are you going to do all day?"  I don't know exactly, but I'm sure there will be plenty to do.  It will be different from the life I've known, but I'm open to seeing what God has in store for me now...

The search is now underway for a new Executive Director of the Belfry: http://www.thebelfry.org/ed-search/  Are you or someone you know looking for such a position?  Please share it widely!  I hope an amazing person emerges to work alongside Casey to take the Belfry to the next level.  I have given my heart and soul to this place, with the hope that it will persist for many years to come.  As I told the Board in my resignation letter, this job was literally a dream come true for me, and I have felt so honored to be a part of the Belfry's story.  I have agreed to stay on in a modified capacity during the search process, so the actual end date is uncertain, but definitely by the end of the program year.  I covet your prayers during this time and thank you all for your support and love during my tenure at the Belfry. 💗

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